Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 8 (3/4-3/8)

Week 8

This week we learned about stressors that come upon a family and some of the effective ways of coping together as a family when faces with potentially devastating trials. In preparation for the class we were asked to list some of the greatest stressor events faced by our families and some of the thoughts associated with them. Here is my list:

Significant stressor events faced by my family:
1.     Moving to Weare NH and digging a well
2.     Having Milton house foreclosed on
a.     “why did we move there in the first place?”
3.     Having an inactive daughter living at home
a.     What has she done with herself?
4.     Having an inactive daughter living out of the home
a.     ‘She’s just being so stupid”
5.     Moving to Montana
a.     “why would they move so far away?”
6.     Moving back to NH
7.     Dad losing his job
8.     Dad needing to seek entry level employment due to lack of education
9.     Sister having appendix burst
10.  4 year loan modification on Antrim house

As you can see, my family has not had anything too dramatic happen, but has found a lot of stress in moving. There are many good and bad outcomes that have come from moving so much, but I am thankful that my family has always stuck together throughout these moves and we are dedicated to helping one another out. 

One of my families best coping strategies is in the way we hold to our routines and traditions. No matter what we have always continued going to church and doing things such as Family Home Evening and daily scripture study and family prayer. Doing these simple things has really helped my family along the way.

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